When It Comes To Reliability, We Are The One You Need!

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Quality Work Through Dedication

The great team makes the great company.  MySolarMANTM  has team of passionate and technical people who work only to give their BEST. 

MySolarMANTM Mohit Gehlot

( Founder and MD)

Mohit Gehlot is a Solar Energy Enthusiast who after completing his Dual Master Degrees in Renewable Energy Engineering (UPES, India) and Electrical Engineering (Polytech Nantes, France), worked for many years at Managerial and Officer level in Solar Industry. He helped many startup companies to grow to an established position.

Residential Services

Understand your load consumption pattern and how to reduce your electricity bill using our unique sustainable solutions!  

Commercial Services

Get the expert consultancy for your commercial premises! Hassle free Solar Solutions now at your doorstep. 

Industrial Services

Feeling burdened with massive electricity bills? Get huge Tax  benefits after installing solar plant!  

Designing Consultancy

Get expert designing consultancy for your dream project

Ceiling Fan
Get help in Documentation

Commercials and Industries looking for expert services to prepare DPRs, Site Survey Report shall look no more now

Generator Set
Backup Generators

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Wiring Upgrades

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LED Bulb
LED Lighting

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Electric Insurance
Insurance Inspections

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Why Choose Us


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Safe & Secure

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24x7 Support
24x7 Support

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Cost Saving
Low Cost

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